Acid Angel

Welcome To All...

Abandon hope all ye who enter here... And welcome to my site here you can learn  how to make your own clothing, bags etc. We hope to have our store open here a little after Christmas so please be patient with us. We do hope you enjoy our site and please give feedback if you like what you see sugestions are very welcome but please no bashing or crude language. ~Acid Angel

Prayor Of  Elizabeth

Elizabeth Bathory

(Re written for the movie Stay Alive made in 2006 this is in my opinion a better vershion than the original written by Elizabeth Bathory before she died On the 21st of August 1614.)

"Come to me, clouds. May you rise as an evil storm born to rip them open. Let the cover of night bear witness and destroy those who resist so they shall harm me not. Let the blood of many cleanse me, preserving beauty eternal, I pray you."


Original Prayor Of Elizabeth

Help me, O Clouds.
O Clouds, stay by me.
Let no harm come to me.
Let me remain healthy and invincible.
Send, O send, you powerful Clouds, ninety cats.
I command you, O King of the Cats, I pray you.
May you gather them together,
     even if you are in the mountains,
     or on the waters,
     or on the roofs,
     or on the other side of the ocean.
May these ninety cats appear to tear and destroy
          the hearts
     of kings and princes,
And in the same way
          the hearts
     of teachers and judges,
     so they shall harm me not.
Holy Trinity, protect me.

"I like the re write because it is darker than the original written which kind of sounded like somthing written by an angry child than a grown woman born of nobility." ~AcidAngel

Please forward any inquiries on products services and such to the fallowing e-mail. All our mail is read by a real person and will be answered as fast as possible. Please be patient as I add more to the site... Im starting small so bear with me. Look around and feel free to mail me if you have any inquiries reguarding my site.  Make sure you read our contact info and submissions to send us copys of your  work for publication in the magazine.  I cant stress this enough but should you find a link that is broken please contact me! I try to make sure that every link works before I publish my updates. Please Report any issues thank you.

Owner: Rayvyn GreenWood

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