Acid Angel

About Us

I not only will sell nice clothing jewelry etc. I will show you how to make some things like a DIYG Do It Yourself Goth kinda DIY but goth. The site also caters to larger people. Let me explain... I am a large woman with a beautiful face. I wear like size 24 in jeans and like 3-4XL in shirts. I find it hard to find plus sized clothing gothic at that and like it. I hate when people tell me "Well maybe if you lost some weight..." You know how that goes if ur like me. But anyways I will be opening a store up soon that will cater to clothing some jewelry, art (as in paintings) gothic in nature of course, maybe some hair falls and some gothic christmas supplies as well as halloween gear. So enjoy it will take some time but itll all come together nicely.

So with everything I want on here I cant help but come out with a magazine to put out there. *Sighs* I feel so happy that people actually find some of my things nice. Most of my things are not original like the clothing. I just saw a thing I liked and decided to see if I could make it... Im very hands on like that. Anyways keep an eye out and let me know how im doing . ^_^  I love hearing from people lol! Just make sure when you mail me you give me a return email address.

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